Senate meeting today was great! We had a presentation from DCTF about the drinking culture survey results, and it was pretty interesting to hear what students had to say. The most important things that came out were the importance of communication with RUPD, EMS, the Wellness Center, RHAs, and Chief Justices. DCTF will prepare a final report with more details that will be sent out soon. Also, they would like to continue looking into the proposed next steps, which include setting up caregiver training at each of the colleges and alcohol/caregiver education at O-week. They have done a great job!
Also, we heard from Christine Cooper, the student manager of Coffeehouse. She had a great presentation about the upcoming Coffeehouse expansion into the RMC Kelley Lounge, and it was great to hear about the new ideas they have (take their survey to offer suggestions here: Also, KTRU station managers Joey and Kevin briefly talked about their ideas for the $1 million in funds from the radio tower sale, and they basically want to have more concerts and events for students to participate in. They meet with President Leebron on Wednesday!
Great meeting: we took a shot at alcohol, Coffeehouse buzzed it up, and KTRU rocked the house. Last meeting of the semester is next Monday!!