Condoleezza Rice is speaking today at Tudor! I hope everyone can make it – I’m excited to listen to her speak.
On other notes, here are a few interesting things:
– Thursday: met with the University Council (Pres. Leebron, faculty, staff, students, admins: ~15 ppl) – talked about enrollment (1,000 new students this year, trying for 935 next year) and finances (markets are doing better, returns have been positive – on track for endowment recovery); We (the students) brought up the concern for study room and meeting space on campus – what can admins do about this?
– Friday: Houston Marathon involvement: met with sports management professor to establish plan for possibly hosting a “hoopla” station at Rice to show off our spirit to Houston!
– Saturday: went Salsa dancing (so much fun!)
– Monday: blanket tax review discussion (with advisors and students), and Senate meeting: talked about Baker 13 (how can colleges be more responsible in cleaning up afterwards?), Willy’s Pub (having financial difficulties, need support from students), and writing program discussion next time.
– Tuesday: hang out with Condoleezza Rice!