I hope everyone had a FANTASTIC Thanksgiving break! I had a great time with family back in College Station, TX, and even though I was determined to check email and do homework, that didn’t exactly happen….
On other news, a few exciting things are coming up this week!
Monday – Masters and Presidents meeting this evening – planning to discuss the future of the alcohol probation. Should be a pretty intense discussion as we work to find the best solution for our next steps forward.
Monday evening – Student Senate Best Practices Meeting! 9 pm, Sewall 301 – for the first time ever, the SA is having “Best Practice Presentations” from the New Student Representatives on the following topics: College Courts, Associates Program, Intellectual Programming, RA Roles, OC Life, and College Interactions. It promises to be a great experience, and we hope everyone can join us to learn something new and take back to their college!
Wednesday – Faculty Senate are discussing (and voting on) the new proposal for a Writing and Communications Program. I have shown the Speaker of the Senate the resolution that the Student Senate passed supporting this proposal, so we hope to see some changes for the Fall of 2012.
Throughout the week: I’ll be visiting (almost) all of the colleges this week to give a “State of the Student Association” during your college government meetings, so please come join me and ask any questions you might have!
Also, if you have feedback regarding the new Waitlisting feature, please email me (sapres@) with your comments – we are trying to bring these to the Registrar to ensure that your concerns are addressed.