Athletics Discussion

In case you missed the Athletics Forum last week, President Leebron and Rick Greenspan had an interesting talk and discussion about the future of athletics at Rice and the new proposed $44 million football facility. See the video:  And for students, minute 50-52 is when there are some interesting points.

Also, who is excited about the O’Yeah Cafe?!? They just opened today for lunch at the RMC in the Owl Cove (the old space occupied by Coffeehouse). They serve “traditional and Americanized” Chinese dishes ($5-7) – try them out 11 am – 2 pm. Let me know what you think!

Also, a couple fun meetings the past couple of days:

– Faculty Senate finally passed a new syllabus standards policy that the SA proposed last year – now all professors will be required to have a syllabus on the first day of class with basic requirements! Finally!

– President Informational session this week for all candidates considering running for presidents – great turn out! Dean Hutch and Master Rob Griffin shared their thoughts. Rob’s main points: 1) motivation (why do you do this?), 2) leave a legacy, and 3) create a vision. Great advice.

– Tonight: great discussion with Senators, Dean Hutch, and Mr. Tenney (the Registrar) about Waitlisting. We are trying to resolve some of the issues that came up during this spring registration, and I think the new system will really help us by showing the demand for classes and persuading departments to open up new sections. Senators are preparing to form a Working Group to provide more feedback to Mr. Tenney.

– Yesterday: best day of my Senior year. Found out I got into both Stanford and MIT grad programs in one day. Feels good 🙂

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