I was looking forward to a fun Rice baseball game this Friday, but the rain took care of making sure that didn’t happen…I feel like my socks have been wet all week…
On other topics, the NEW SA officers have been officially announced: Sanjula is the SA President-Elect, and the other executive officers are Yoonjin, Gabrien, Hersh, and Michael – congratulations to all! Changeover is on March 19, so I still have a couple weeks left in power… Any suggestions for crazy things I should do with my last days in office? 🙂
Best picture/meme ever –>
I had a great conversation with Rick Greenspan, the Athletic Director, this past Monday. He was really receptive to hearing the student perspective and finding ways to get students more involved in athletic games. We shared a couple of ideas, and I thought the 3 biggest ways to get students out to the games include:
1) College outreach – getting VSLs to make announcements at the college, posters, flyers, etc.
2) Student-Athlete interaction: have athletes be involved more at the college cabinets, college lunches, or other events to help build a relationship at the personal level
3) Student Incentives: offer food, shirts, and tailgates at the big games to make it “the thing to do” to go out to games. We need to bring back the Rice Spirit…! And per Mr. Greenspan’s suggestion, we need to create some new TRADITIONS. Get on that.
Also, I met with Nicole, the Director of the CCD, and we had a great conversation about how the CCD can connect with students more, developing the alumni connection with students, and how to get students visiting the CCD at an earlier point during their 4 years at Rice. We’re looking to continue this conversation to help the CCD hear student input, and a way you can help is by taking surveys, letting me know your comments, and sharing your concerns directly with the CCD.