Wow, yesterday was the last day of classes! This year has gone by so quickly, it’s been hard to keep up! We had our last SA meeting on Monday, and it was a lot of fun: thai food, music, costumes, and Jones won a chocolate owl for having the most people. Kevin Kirby and Dean Hutch came to talk about the ALFA proposal, for they are both on the administrator committee to analyze the proposals and decide exactly how much money should be spent. With the FCC approval that just came in, we should be ready to start making decisions soon, and getting students involved in implementing the proposals.
Another important thing that happened this past week was speaking at the Faculty Senate – I went to talk about a proposal that was being discussed regarding the Centennial Celebration in Fall 2012. It turns out that our Fall Recess falls on Monday/Tuesday of that week, but the Centennial Celebration is Wednesday-Saturday. That means, you would not have classes Mon/Tues, but then you would either have to go to classes and miss all the awesome events, skip your classes and make your profs angry, or your profs might cancel classes and then they would miss an entire week of school… Anyway, we talked about this as the SA meeting a few weeks ago, and it seemed the most logical to have no classes on Thursday/Friday of that week, so all students and faculty could enjoy and participate in the celebration, only happening once in 100 years. There will be some great events, including student posters/expo, TED talks, famous guest speakers, residential college open houses, student competitions, music concerts, Esperanza, homecoming football game, and more. It will be an event you won’t want to miss! With all that said, the Faculty Senate was initially opposed to the idea of giving students no classes on Thurs/Fri instead of leaving it on Mon/Tues because they thought students would just leave. However, after discussion with them, they agreed that students AND faculty would be invested in participating and enjoying the Centennial Celebration, an event that only happens once-in-a-lifetime. So put it on your calendar: Centennial Celebration, October 10-13, 2012!!