Housing & Dining

I have learned a LOT about what goes on with Housing and Dining at Rice University, and this is where I’ll share what I find out. It’s pretty interesting stuff. You’ll feel enlightened.

Mark Ditman is the Associate VP of Housing and Dining. He had a great understanding of the student perspective, especially since he has a son that is coming to Rice in Fall 2011! Mr. Ditman is extremely supportive of all student opinions and ideas, and he does his best to accommodate everything that comes his way. He manages all of the college-related construction and renovation projects, and he spends ~$3 million each summer on college renovations.

David McDonald is the Director of Residential Dining. He is a great person to talk to! Mr. McDonald is working really hard to provide high quality food to students on campus, and not only to make students happy, but also to teach us what healthy and nutritious habits are so that we can develop them for the future. Mr. McDonald has transformed the residential food service on campus in the past four years, and now it is at a level beyond all others, providing us with a wonderful variety of choices each day.

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