Finals week is in full swing, but the end is in sight!! Tonight, the SA Academics committee has organized a Grab-and-Go dinner with $4 Jersey Mike’s Subs. Go by the RMC tonight (5:30-7:30 pm) if you want to pick up some dinner between your studying, and enjoy!
The Convenience Store survey is closing today, and we had an awesome number of responses (1500!), so thanks to everyone for their input. The Student Life Committee is now working to put together a summary and share this with Housing and Dining. The project manager for the C-Store has been really open to student input, and they are excited to implement YOUR suggestions. Can’t wait to see how the new store turns out! And if you have any more questions or suggestions, feel free to email me or the Student Life Chairs (,
Also, I had a great meeting with David Tenney, the Registrar, and it was great to see how much he cares about Rice and about helping students. He has a lot of cool projects up his sleeve: adding a waiting list to Esther course registration, putting up an online version of the GA, and adding new search features to the current course search. We are working with him to implement a few new changes as well: adding SYLLABI for all courses online at Esther (so you can read through them during the first week of classes!), adding search features for TIME and PROFESSOR to the Esther course search, and possibly making a few changes to Esther to make it more user-friendly. Let me know if you have any thoughts about this!
Good luck to everyone with their finals, and remember to take a few breaks and relax with friends. And if you don’t have any friends, feel free to call me.
I’m everyone’s friend 🙂
And in case you’d like to know, these are the finals/exams/reports that I had to do this week. It might make you feel a little better:
Exams: 4 (Biomechanics, Numerical Methods, Thermodynamics, Tissue Engineering)
Reports: 4 (Biomechanics – 15 pgs, Numerical Methods- 20 pgs, Tissue Engineering – 60 pgs, Research – 20 pgs)
Presentations: 3 (Biomechanics – 12 min, Tissue Engineering – 30 min, Energy in Society – 20 min)
Poster: 1 (Research in BIOE)
And that’s my life. I love being a BIOE.